Software Engineer
Experienced in React, Redux, Javascript, Rails, Python, and PostgreSQL. NYU grad with a double major in Philosophy and Middle Eastern Studies. Interested in building intuitve and powerful products that are useful for peoples' day to day lives. Enjoys biking, hiking, and card games. View my full resume here.
Previously I was a Math and Computer Science teacher at the NYC DOE for six years. Teaching is always going to be near my heart, I've always been interested in computers and tech. The last few years of teaching, I grew tired of how restrictive the system itself is. However, it was not until I started teaching Python to my AP Comp Sci kids that I knew I had to switch careers.
I've been a huge nerd my entire life. For the last three years, I have been very involved in the Legend of the Five Rings community, recently coaching the US team to a top four finish in the online World Cup. Outside of this, I love biking in New York (bridges are my favorite), and my girlfriend and I take any chance we can get to leave town to go hiking.